Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fairy Tales

"If I'm honest, I have to tell you I still read fairy tales and I like them best of all."
Audrey Hepburn

Oh, I was thrilled to read that quote by Audrey, seeing how I too love fairy tales so much. The Wizard of Oz...Alice In Wonderland...Cinderella. I can watch the old movies again and again or better yet read the classic tales over and over. Maybe i just haven't quite grown up altogether, but then, I'm not sure I ever want to.

Perhaps the fairy tale I most identify with is Alice in Wonderland. She was indeed a plucky little gal who, when presented with a most unusual adventure, took it on bravely and with a heightened sense of curiosity. No whining, no whimpering, no sniveling...just taking each challenge as it came and making the best of it.

I'd like to think that I'm that sort of girl.... here in The Big Apple Wonderland for a month, although I've probably sniveled and groused on more than one occasion, especially when my already tender foot has given out again and again from too much walking. In which case I suppose that puts me in the category of The Walking Wounded although I'm not getting a whole lot of sympathy from New Yorkers. My limping along the streets of NYC only causes me to look like all the other geeks on the streets of this most unusual city. Actually, I could use some shoes like these: Looks like great heel support, n'est ce pas?

But I'd probably fall off and break my neck. Maybe these would be better:

Or maybe these?

Well, they might be too slippery.

These are definitely out. But they would have been nice on the All Pink Day, could I have managed.

Well, I have certainly digressed, haven't I? Let's get back to Alice.........

So, imagine my surprise and delight to discover one block away from
my hotel

a quaint little spot called Alice's Tea 8:00 to 8:00 everyday, three meals a day, I chose to have breakfast my first time there, not to be the least bit disappointed by a generous serving of pumpkin pancakes and a pot of Alice's Tea, their signature blend of Indian black tea, Japanese green tea, vanilla and rose petals.

But I could have had raspberry crepes or Wonderland Waffles or Scones Benedict.....poached eggs with rosemary hollandaise sauce and potato-chicken hash. This is a cautionary tale you know, and so I warn Alice, one could quickly change sizes after too many meals like these.

Hand painted on the wall above the stairway to the second floor was this passage from the book:

"It was much pleasanter at home, thought poor Alice when she wasn't always growing larger and smaller, and being ordered about by mice and rabbits. 'I almost wish I hadn't gone down that rabbit hole.....and yet...and's rather curious, you know, this sort of life. I do wonder what can have happened to me!'"

There are, of course, birthday parties and Wee Teas for children at Alice's Tea Cup. Should you want to have a birthday party here, you certainly may...for ONLY $20.00 per child, or adults for $30.00 per person...a birthday cake for $55.00 and up,

..... a Mad Hatter magician or an Alice face painter for $125-$250 per hour depending on the service provided, and you can hire one of their party coordinators for an additional $100.00. Lets see, now. I figure if I have a smallish party for all my friends, I could probably get out for less than a thousand dollars!!!

Well, maybe I won't have the magician. That should help. But definitely the face painter. Wings and fairy dust in your hair are complimentary, thank you very much..

It's rather curious, you know, this sort of life in the Wonderland of NYC.

Tomorrow I'm going to see the large bronze statue of Alice and the Mad Hatter in Central Park, and I'm inviting all of you to come along, and all my NY friends and Audrey, of course. Everyone, yes all...because you know what? it won't cost me a thing. And just so you'll know, I'll be doing the face painting myself.

I do wonder what can have happened to me!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. oooo dont u worry about your size u are so tiny just have fun we will put u on a diet when u get home

  2. Dear Anna,
    William and I loved your remarks about Alice and her wonderland experiences so iconic and similar to your own there in NYC. As quite a treasure of British literature and satire that it is, we are honored that you are hallmarking Carroll’s tale as it is similar to your own adventures!(The shoes weren't bad either...reminded me of shoes that might be the complements to the hats William's cousing wore to our wedding!)
    Another fairytale-teller of British renown is Scottish Victorian fantasist, George MacDonald, who wrote many fantasies and allegories of man’s pilgrimage back to God, not the least of which is his, THE GOLDEN KEY, another timeless treasure. As the August retreat for our family is Balmoral Castle, Scotland, it is timely and fitting that we acknowledge Scottish author Mr. MacDonald as another truly gifted Brit.
    This may be our last post, since we will be mostly occupied with our royal duties for the remainder of your time there in NY. Will you be there for the 9/11 Memorial dedication and 10th anniversary? That should be a memory that everyone will look forward to seeing through Anna's keen eyes. Wonder what Audrey would do and think...can't wait to find out.

    Kate with William
    from Balmoral Castle
