I woke up this morning remembering this cute picture of Audrey in her robe.
How does she look so beautiful so early in the morning -and always...? Oh I remember now. It's why she is my heroine.
"How to Become a Beautiful Woman" by Audrey Hepburn:
For attractive lips, speak kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone. "
Thank you, Audrey,for being my example.
I can't believe that I am really here in NYC. And for a month. I always did love apples!
Well guess what? I'm in art school. I enrolled yesterday in a watercolor class at the Art Students League. It's a dream come true for me as I have heard of this famous school all my adult life.
Here's a little history behind it. It was the post -Civil War era, and New York City was rapidly becoming the artistic capital of the nation. Young artists we're searching for a place to develop their new ideas about art. The National Academy of Design, home to many New York artists, was threatened by financial difficulties. As a result, a group of devoted and contemporary-thinking art students came together start their own school. In 1875, the Art Student's League of New York born.
The League began as, and continues to be, a collection of studio classes, each autonomous and directed by the creative authority of the individual instructor. Early instructors included William Merritt Chase, Child Hassam, and Thomas Eakins. Many other artists who shaped the vocabulary of art world-wide have trained or taught at the League. They include Georgia O'Keeffe, Thomas Hart Benton, Alexander Calder, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Roy Lichtenstein, David Lefell, and Sherry McGraw.
Someone once said... "I think everything in life is art, what you do, how you dress, the way you love someone, and how you talk, your smile, and your personality, what you believe in, and all your dreams, the way you drink your tea, how you decorate your home, or party, your grocery list, the food you make, how your writing looks, and the way you feel."
Audrey, you were the "artiest" one of all." Goodnight, dear girl, and good night to you, my friends. May tomorrow be even better than today.
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